An incident occurred off campus during the early morning hours of Friday, March 1, 2024, whereby an adult in police custody made a threat towards the school district. We have been informed by the Ottawa Police Department that the threat was not against an individual directly and was contained immediately. As this is an active police matter, all inquiries should be directed to the Police Department. We have and will continue to work collaboratively with the Ottawa PD as we take all threats seriously. The safety and health of our students and staff will always be our number one priority. Estimadas familias de la escuela primaria de Ottawa: Un incidente ocurrió fuera del campus durante las primeras horas de la mañana del viernes 1 de marzo de 2024, en el que un adulto bajo custodia policial amenazó al distrito escolar. El Departamento de Policía de Ottawa nos informó que la amenaza no iba dirigida directamente a un individuo y fue contenida de inmediato. Como se trata de un asunto policial activo, todas las consultas deben dirigirse al Departamento de Policía. Hemos trabajado y seguiremos trabajando en colaboración con la policía de Ottawa mientras tomamos en serio todas las amenazas. La seguridad y la salud de nuestros estudiantes y personal siempre será nuestra prioridad número uno. Atentamente, Dr. Lee
10 months ago, Alison Cresto
Congratulations Ron Neurohr (McKinley School) on being chosen as the Kids First Award recipient! Thank you for all you do for our children.
10 months ago, Alison Cresto
Ron Neurohr
Bus Drivers Needed
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Bus Drivers Needed
Tuesday, February 20 the dismissal times are as follows: Grades K-6: Dismissal at 2:20 PM Grades 7-8: Dismissal at 3:10 PM Please be at your students' bus stop if you are required to be. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as it plays a vital role in ensuring our bus operations' smooth and efficient flow. Please feel free to share this post.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Reminder for today! Kindergarten to 6th grade will be dismissed at 11:30 AM, while the students from 7th to 8th grade will be dismissed at 12:10 PM. Also, school will not be in session on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents Day.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Happy National School Resource Officer Day! Thank you, Officer (Jonathan) Berninger, for providing your awesome services at Ottawa Elementary School.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Jonathan Berninger
Please take note of the following reminder: On Friday, February 16th, the students from Kindergarten to 6th grade will be dismissed at 11:30 AM, while the students from 7th to 8th grade will be dismissed at 12:10 PM. Also, school will not be in session on Monday, February 19th in observance of Presidents Day. Preschool reminder for Friday 2/16/24: PFAE (Mrs. Anderson's class) will dismiss at 11:30 am. PFA (half-day sections) will both be in session for AM and PM preschool. No school on Monday 2/19/24. Please let daycares, sitters, and other adults who help with transport know of these dates.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Tuesday, February 13 the dismissal times are as follows: Grades K-6: Dismissal at 2:20 PM Grades 7-8: Dismissal at 3:10 PM Please be at your students' bus stop if you are required to be. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as it plays a vital role in ensuring our bus operations' smooth and efficient flow. Please feel free to share this post.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Tuesday, February 6 the dismissal times are as follows: Grades K-6: Dismissal at 2:20 PM Grades 7-8: Dismissal at 3:10 PM Please be at your students' bus stop if you are required to be. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated as it plays a vital role in ensuring our bus operations' smooth and efficient flow.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Murphy, who was graciously donated by United Way of Eastern LaSalle County has officially graduated. Following an extensive 18 month program, he successfully completed his last test and is officially a Certified Facility Therapy Dog! A huge shout out to Annette Monge, owner of Teacherpetz Training and Boarding for her guidance through these 18 months of training. Also, a huge thank you to United Way of ELC for their ongoing support. Murphy will continue to spread love, joy, and support to everyone at Jefferson. Great Job Murphy!!!!!
11 months ago, Jefferson Elementary
Signed banner from students and staff
Signed banner from student and staff
Shepherd Middle School is seeking an 8th Grade English Language Arts Teacher for the 2024-2025 academic year. Qualifications include a Professional Educator License (PEL) with an endorsement in Middle School Language Arts.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
DAY 9 POST (if applicable): English: Time is ticking to earn our students more books! You can contribute through the invitation from your favorite student or make a school-wide contribution (Community Contribution Link) through Sunday night. ​ Don't forget! When you register and send 10+ invitations, it helps classroom teachers earn shopping sprees for classroom supplies or books. Thanks for supporting our teachers! ​ Español: ¡El tiempo apremia para ganar más libros para nuestros estudiantes! Hasta el domingo a medianoche, puedes contribuir a través de la invitación de tu estudiante favorito o hacer una contribución para toda la escuela: (Community Contribution Link). ​ ¡No olvides! Cuando te registras y envías 10+ invitaciones, ayudas a que los maestros de las aulas ganen rachas de compras para materiales escolares o libros. ¡Gracias por apoyar a nuestros maestros!
11 months ago, Lincoln Elementary School
Reminder: Tuesday dismissal is today, if you need to be present at your students' bus stop please be there. K-6 releases at 2:20 PM and 7-8 grade 3:10 PM
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Congratulations Callie Fuchs (Lincoln School) on being chosen as the Kids First Award recipient! Thank you for all you do for our children.
11 months ago, Alison Cresto
Callie Fuchs
February Lunch Menu
11 months ago, Nutrition News
Feb Menu
Power up! Our 3rd Book Blast Treasure Chest winner is Janylah Gonzalez Congratulations! ​ Did you know that Book Blast contributions help ensure all our students receive books? After your student earns all 10 books from the book list, additional contributions help provide more books for all our students, classrooms, and the library. Your involvement makes a world of difference! ​ #booksarefun #literacy #bookblastadventures #readingrules ​ Español: ¡Potencia activada! ¡Nuestro tercer ganador del Cofre del Tesoro de la Explosión de Libros es! ¡Felicidades!Janylah Gonzalez ​ ¿Sabías que las contribuciones de la Book Blast ayudan a asegurar que todos nuestros estudiantes reciban libros? Después de que tu estudiante obtenga los 10 libros de la lista, las contribuciones adicionales ayudan a proporcionar más libros para todos nuestros estudiantes, aulas y la biblioteca. ¡Tu participación marca una gran diferencia!
11 months ago, Lincoln Elementary School
Champion of the Charter for January! Way to go!
12 months ago, Lincoln Elementary School
Champion of the Charter for January!
Congratulations January Champion of the Charters! Way to go! Theo Roix Vivienne Ebel Noehmi Martinez-Chavez Jayson Vu Benji Norem Nora Tellefson Sienna Willet Rhett Bowen Evelyn Hines Layna Farrell Tinsley Alexander Declan OBrien Annie Crisman Ellie Carpenter Devyn Yanko
12 months ago, Lincoln Elementary School
Lincoln Elementary School
Congratulations District 2 educator Martin Czernicki on being named ILMEA Early Service Educator of the Year! 🎉🏆
12 months ago, Alison Cresto
Congratulations District 2 educator Martin Czernicki on being named ILMEA Early Service Educator of the Year! 🎉🏆
OEHS Music Festival February 4, 2024
12 months ago, Alison Cresto
OEHS Music Fest February 4, 2024