Lion’s Mane Messenger

    Issue: September 2024

Mrs. Hughes, Principal

Mrs. Ferrari, Assistant Principal

  • Arrival and Departure Procedures:


For the Safety of our students, due to the back entrance being under construction all drop off will start heading north on Leland Street. Kindergarten, First, and Second grade students will get out on Leland Street, and be directed from staff to the appropriate playground. Students in Third and Fourth grades, will follow Leland Street, turn right onto Madison Street, where you can drop students off at the fence. Thank you for your patience during our construction.  

  • School Times and Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures

School begins daily at 8:20 a.m. and students are considered tardy after 8:20 a.m.  please do not drop off students before 8:00 a.m., as there will not be supervision.

Main and Madison Street doors will be closed to students. Parents who need to visit the office, will buzz in at the Main street entry. 

Student Drop off/Walkers

Non bus riding student’s will be dropped off on Harden St., starting at 8:00am. If you are dropping your child off, you will drive from Main and turn North on Harden Street. Please do not drive or park on Leland Street during arrival and dismissal, unless parents need to come into the office.  We are asking that those student’s in cars be unloaded and loaded by their adult. Following drop off, they will be directed by staff to the appropriate playground, weather permitting.On inclement weather days, students will enter the North Harden Street doors, and be directed by staff to the appropriate indoor recess areas. 

  • Breakfast

    • Breakfast will be served from 8:00-8:15 a.m. 

Drop off or walking students who are eating breakfast will be admitted into the building at the North Harden Street entrance. Any students not eating breakfast will be sent to the playground.

  • Bus Students

    • Students riding the bus will be dropped off on Leland street and directed by staff to the appropriate playground.Only the bus students who are eating breakfast will enter the Leland street entrance with staff. 

  • New Dismissal Procedures

    • Main Street Entrance

      • Kindergarten dismissal 2:45

      • First-2nd dismissal 2:50

  • Madison Street Entrance

    • Third and fourth dismissal 2:50

  • For the safety of the students we ask that all adults picking up students remain behind the fences. Playgrounds are closed to the public from 8:00AM-3:00PM or when all students are dismissed. 

  • Open house 

    • September 5th 5:30-7:00 PM.

    • Come check out your child’s classroom!

    • Parent teacher conferences will be held in November

  • Fundraisers:

  • School Store: New this year, packets will be coming home on September 9th. 

  • Culver’s Night: Lincoln School’s Social Committee will be hosting the Culver’s Night Fundraiser. Please come out and support this great group. September 13th, from 4:00-7:00 PM. Thank you.

  • Kroger:

*Please help to support Lincoln by joining the Kroger Rewards program and selecting “Lincoln Elementary School.” To sign up for Kroger Rewards:

  1. Visit:

  2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and under section titled “Community” - click on “Kroger Community Rewards”

  3. On the next page- click on “I’m a customer”

  4. Sign in or click on: “Create an account with your Kroger Savings Card”

  5. Once signed in, look on the left hand side of the screen and click on “Community Rewards”

  6. Under- “Find an organization” search for Lincoln Elementary School by using our school code: iX380

  7. Confirm Lincoln Elementary School at 1110 W. Main Street in Ottawa

  8. Click “Enroll”

    Scarecrowfest Parade- 

    All student’s accompanied by an adult, can attend the Scarecrowfest parade on September 29, line up at 11:45AM. We will meet in front of Ottawa Savings Bank on Lasalle Street. If you’d like to donate candy to throw, you may drop it off at the district office, on Main Street, prior to the parade. Hope to see you there!

  • PTO:-

    • The Parent Teacher Organization is always looking for parents volunteers. They meet on the second Monday of the month. They provide amazing activities, opportunities, and resources for not only the students at Lincoln but the staff as well. Come join the fun, and support your child's teacher. This month they will meet on September 9th at 5:30pm on Google Meets. Here is the link to join the PTO:

  •  đźŤ• Monthly Lunch Menu

Find this on our District Website and Facebook page.

  • Important Dates:

  • September 2nd- NO SCHOOL LABOR DAY

  • September 3rd- Tuesday Dismissal 2:20pm

  • September 5th- Open House 5:30-7:00pm

  • September 9th- School Store Launches

  • September 9th- PTO Google Meets 5:30PM

  • September 17th- Board of Education meeting 6:00 @ Central

  • September 20th- 11:30 Dismissal K-4th grade

  • September 20th- NO PRESCHOOL (Screenings)

  • September 27th- Land of Smiles Presentation

  • September 29th- Scarecrowfest Parade