We have been very busy in 3rd grade! We just finished our biography unit, which is one of our favorites. Students first learned what a biography is and researched famous people who made a difference. They then interviewed a special person in their life and wrote a biography about that person. Their special guests were able to come to school to enjoy donuts with the 3rd graders. Thank you to all of our special guests!
Students also wrote a biography poem about themselves and we will turn it into a published book. We can't wait to see our stories and illustrations published.
In reading and science we learned about earth day and read the story The Lorax. We ended the week with a special "dirt cup" treat. Students were also challenged to do something to help the earth this week. For science, 3rd graders also concluded our earth science unit with an egg drop project. Students had to create a space capsule that would keep an astronaut safe. We tested their capsules by "launching" them off of the playground to see if their astronaut (egg) survived!
3rd graders are working hard to master their multiplication and division facts!
-3rd Grade Team