October is quickly approaching along with fall weather in the air! Included below is information regarding Halloween Day. Teachers will also be providing additional details regarding volunteers for our classroom parties.

On Halloween Day we will have students parade around the school in their costumes beginning at 10:00 a.m. (weather permitting). Parents are welcome to spread around the outside of the school along the sidewalks to view the parade. We ask that students adhere to the following guidelines with their costume: no make-up, no violence, no weapons, no blood/gore. Also, for safety reasons costumes should not be worn to school or on the bus. Please plan accordingly with sending costumes with your child in a separate bag or in their book bag. Classroom parties will begin immediately following the parade.

Looking into November we will be offering a Veterans Day program for our Veterans on Friday, November 8th at 9:00 a.m. We are always honored to show our appreciation for their service to our country. Additional details will be shared soon.

Calendar Dates

October 1 - BBQ Fundraiser (4:00-6:30 p.m.)

October 4 - Champion of the Charter Luncheon

October 9 - PTO Meeting (5:30 p.m.)

October 11 - No School (Teacher Institute Day)

October 14 - No School (Columbus Day)

October 15 - Board Meeting at Central School (6:00 p.m.)

October 22 - Picture Retakes

October 31 - Half Day (11:30 a.m. Dismissal)

November 5 - No School (Election Day)


Happy October!

Our Scholastic Bookfair was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who purchased some books! 

At this month’s PTO meeting we will be going over our ideas for a carnival committee. We also need some help with gathering donations for our Tis the Season Raffle. If you cannot make the meeting and you are interested in helping out, please reach out to us!

We’re also working on getting a date for a Culver’s night. We need plenty of volunteers. Your McKinley students are more then welcome to help serve food. It’s always a lot of fun for them! We will have a sign up sheet at the meeting. 

If you have any questions you can reach out to any of our board members or send us a message to the McKinley PTO Facebook page

Amanda Waddell- President 

Darlene Hess- Vice President

Casey Clemons- Treasurer 

Amy Anderson- Secretary 


-Like our Facebook page McKinley School PTO

-Save your Handy Foods receipts and send them into school. We can redeem these for gift cards to use for school events

-Join Kroger Community Rewards if you haven’t already. Select McKinley school as your organization to support and you can help our school just by grocery shopping!

Champion of the Charter

1Congratulations to our September Champion of the Charter students! You have all done an awesome job following the school Charter and being smart with your emotions. Your positivity and kindness do not go unnoticed and you lead by example. All of our Champions are invited to attend the May board meeting to be recognized.

We would also like to thank Jimmy John’s for their donation to the student winners!


Tinlee N., Milly S., Addison S.

1st Grade

Ellisyn L., Jade N., Brinley S.

2nd Grade

Danie B., Brooks N., Arya Jayne J.

3rd Grade

Mia M., Maci M., Brooke A.

4th Grade

Declan H., Reagan B., Kessler K.

Life Skills

Esme J., Danny B.


Kendall D.


In Kindergarten, we are continuing to become more familiar with McKinley School and our routines. We are doing a great job following the rules for the hallway and also at finding our tables in the lunchroom. 

 In Reading, we are learning all of our letters and the sounds that they make, and we are already reading some words.  We are introducing the five components of Daily 5 in our rooms:  Read To Self, Listen To Reading, Read To Someone, Work On Writing, and Word Work. 

In Math, we are learning how to count to 100, recognize and write numbers, sorting, patterning, graphing, and shapes. 

-Kindergarten Team


1st Grade

Our School year is off to a great start! Students are doing a good job working hard to improve their reading and writing skills. They enjoy practicing these skills in their Daily 5 centers every day. 1st graders love working together to master important phonics skills each day too. They are also excited about seeing how many addition problems they can get right while practicing with flash cards at home. September was a busy month for McKinley first graders!

-1st Grade Team


2nd Grade

Second Grade has taken off in the 2nd month of school! We rocked our way through Rockstar Day! We've been working hard at our daily journals. In math we have wrapped up adding to 20. Social emotional lessons (mistakes, blurting/interrupting, personal space, etc.) have been fun learning to go over as a class, as well as the activities that go along with them. We loved being able to show off our rooms at Open House, thanks to all of those that could make it!

-2nd Grade Team


3rd Grade

It has been a busy month in third grade! We completed a "Me on the Map" activity flip book in Social Studies to learn more about maps and have a better understanding of where we are located on the map. We reviewed writing skills by practicing "7 Up Sentences" and using the "Gum It" method for spelling. Third grade also began Flashlight Friday reading using finger flashlights! We visited the school book fair and had lots of fun shopping! We are looking forward to another busy and fun month ahead!

-3rd Grade Team


4th Grade

Fourth Grade is having a great start to the year.  In Science, we are learning how to identify rocks and minerals.  In reading, we are finishing reading a realistic fiction story called Fourth Grade Rats. We will then learn how to create a storyboard using story structure. In math, we are finishing learning about place value and will move on to addition.  We will begin switching for math as well.  In writing, we have been working hard on our realistic fiction stories.  Students have created a realistic character and are about ready to begin their first drafts. 

-4th Grade Team



Life Skills

The month of September was a fun one! Mrs. Berryman's class learned all about school and Mrs. Sullivan's class learned all about apples! We're enjoying our first cooking lessons, sensory time and spending time with new friends. 

-Life Skills Team



September has been great in the D/HH classroom. We had a strange visitor stop by recently. Humphrey the hamster brought us a book to read and decorated the classroom with hamsters. Our sticker store is open. The kids have enjoyed getting stickers for their sticker books. Super Improvers looks a little different this year. The students get a punch on their card for meeting a goal. The Speed Challenge is up and running. The teachers are in the lead at this point. 

-Ms. Hendrickson



It is wonderful to see all the smiling faces excited for P.E. We are all so pumped to be playing the games we love and getting some much needed exercise. K-1 is playing some low organized tag games. While 2-4 are participating in some throwing activities. Next month we will move toward some kicking games while emphasizing fitness as our main goal.

-Mr. Ummel



In the library we are going on a ghost hunt.  There are several books in the library that are already checked out to "Adopt A Ghost." Once a student chooses one of these books they will receive a small ghost figure and a bookmark that they can name their ghost and choose a birthdate. The ghost books were chosen completely randomly in the different sections of the library.  There is no way to tell you have chosen a "Adopt A Ghost" book until you come to check it out.  Happy Hunting!!

-Mrs. Jett